Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hassan’s Story Essay

A).Which clue would tell Stefan which scapular surface was anterior and which was posterior? What is the name of the shallow, oval socket of the scapular that Stefan placed next to the humerus? When he pulled out the two bundles, each containing a narrow S-shaped bone. Turning them over in his hands, he quickly decided which was right and which left, then placed each clavicle by its neighboring scapula. In order to determine if a scapula is right or left, orient it so the glenoid fossa (articulating surface) faces laterally (outward) and the spine is posterior (toward back) and superior (upper). The coracoid process should be superior and anterior. Glenoid cavity is what he place next to the humerus. B).Which bone is Stefan referring to as the Collarbone? Clavical C).Which surface markings could Stefan use to distinguish the right humerus from the left? The head, deltoid, tuberosity, and olecranon and pointed styloid process of the ulna, and the circular head and wide styloid process of the radius. The deltoid tuberosity on the right was somewhat larger on the left. D).Why would Stefan think that an enlarged right deltoid tuberosity might indicate right handedness? It was because the right was somewhat larger than the left. E).What is the location of the public symphsis Stefan refers to I the story? The pubic symphysis or symphysis pubis is the midline cartilaginous joint uniting the superior of the left and right pubic bones. It is located anterior to the urinary bladder and superior to the external genitalia; for females it is above the vulva and for males it is above the penis. F).Which adaptation would have taken place in the pubic symphysis of the female skeleton during the later stages of her pregnancy in preparation for the birthing process? Skeletal joints such as the pubic symphysis and sacroiliac widen or have increased laxity. G).What clues could Stefan have used to identify the gender of the pelvis? It’s lack of brow ridge development and pelvic appearance. H). How would Stefan have distinguished between the right and left hip bones? The hips have three separate bone, ilium, ischium, and pubis. I).Would the bones of each hip bone be fused in the female child’s skeleton? No, not until the age of 23.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Integrity, Confidentiality and Professional Behavior of Internal Auditors

Integrity According to The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), â€Å"The integrity of internal auditors established trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgement†. IIA further added that to be integrity, internal auditors: * Shall perform their work with honestly, diligence, and responsibility. * Shall observe the law and make disclosures expected by the law and the profession. * Shall not knowingly be a party to any illegal activity, or engage in acts that are discreditable to the profession * Shall respect and contribute to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization.According to the 2009 Global Integrity Survey conducted by Compliance Week and Integrity Interactive, polled more than 150 ethics and compliance executives at global companies worldwide. The survey shown that nearly two-third (64 percent) of respondents use risk assessment specifically to review their integrity risks and to modify their programs as necessary. It also shown tha t 57 percent said their internal auditors have periodically audit their integrity programs and functions.Besides that, the survey shown that nearly 80 percent of respondents commented they use the internal audit function to some extent. Melissa Klein Aguilar (2009) further added that internal audit departments play an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of the company's integrity function. IIA do also issue a guidance says that internal auditors should â€Å"evaluate the design, implementation, and effectiveness of the organization's ethics-related objectives, programs, and activities. Confidentiality According to Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), confidentiality is one of the four principles that internal auditors are expected to apply and uphold. IIA further explain that under confidentiality's principle, internal auditors respect the value and ownership of information they receive and do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.IIA had also outlined the rules of conduct for confidentiality, in which internal auditors: * Shall be prudent in the use and protection of information acquired in the course of their duties. * Shall not use information for any personal gain or in any manner that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. Office of Internal Audit of Wayne State University further elaborates the rules of conduct that internal auditors are expected to follow in compliance with confidentiality's principle.It stated that internal auditors shall: * Not participate in any activity or relationship that may impair or be presumed to impair their unbiased assessment. This participation includes those activities or relationships that may be in conflict with the interest of the organization. * Not accept anything that may impair or be presumed to impair their professional judgment. * Disclose all material facts kn own to them that, if not disclosed, may distort the reporting of activities under review. Be prudent in the use and protection of information acquired in the course of their duties. * Not use information for any personal gain or in any manner that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. According to Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, this principle is pertinent to internal auditors as they have access to a wide range of information and the employing organization needs to be assured that accessed information will be treated confidentially.Internal auditors also gather information through interviews, and interviewees need to feel assured that the information provided will be treated appropriately. Numerous corporate fraud cases happen in recent century such as Enron and WorldCom have triggered not only extensive academic whistleblowing studies, but also have caused legal ramifications that have led to the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 (Eaton & Akers, 2007; Lacavo & Ripley, 2003). Before this, there are limited studies that have used internal auditors as subjects.This could be because to the argument that the reporting make by internal auditors on corporate wrongdoings is not an act of whistleblowing, but is the role on internal auditor within the ambit of their profession (Jubb, 2000). Xu and Ziegenfuss counter-argue that what Cynthia Cooper (an internal auditor) did in the WorldCom was considered as whistleblowing, this shown that public may perceive that the internal auditor as a whistleblower. Another possibility is because of misperception that whistleblowing only relates to reporting parties outside of the organization (Keenan & Krueger, 1992).According to Eaton & Akers, 2007; Figg, 2000; Keenan & Krueger, 1992; Near & Miceli, 2008, whistleblowing can in fact occur internally or externally. Near and Miceli (1995) argue that internal auditors have higher credibility and power as whistleblower than other organizational members as they are more likely to influence management to terminate wrongdoing. According to The Global Economic Crime Survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCooper (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009), internal auditing profession is indeed an important role in organizations as most frauds were detected by internal audit.It was supported by Miceli et al. (2008) states compared to other professions, the highest reported observation of wrongdoing was reported by internal auditors. Because of the nature of their works, internal auditors have directly or indirectly seen or confronted many opportunities for corporate wrongdoing and unethical acts to occurs, and the responsibility of disclosure of any wrongdoing is embedded in their job description (Near & Miceli, 1985). Another issue is on whether or not internal auditors should whistleblow when they discover organizational wrongdoings.Internal auditors always face situations that involve conflict of inte rest while executing their dual-role duties (Armold & Ponemon, 1991; E. Z. Taylor & Curtis, 2010). The dual-role duties mentioned here are the role of internal auditors as employed by the organization, which subject to the needs and requirements of their employment, and the role as members of a professional body, they are required to adhere to the profession's ethical requirements.Ahmad and Taylor support the view and assert that the role of internal auditors in providing auditing tasks for their organizational may cause ongoing conflicts. Zhang, Chiu and Wei (2009) argue that the â€Å"disclosing insider information to outsider's breaches obligation to the organization, violates the written or unspoken contract, and elicits damaging publicity†. However, ethically, internal whistleblowing, as opposed to external whistleblowing, is preferred.This is due to severe damage caused by external whistleblowing as compared to internal whistleblowing (Park & Blenkinsopp, 2009). In orde r to avoid the severe damages caused by whistleblowing, Vinten (1996) has suggested that an organization may minimize the risk by internalizing the whistleblowing procedure as part of the corporate communications. By having a proper whistleblowing procedure, organizations stand to benefit from actions of whistleblowers that may cause further substantial adverse consequences such as loss of sales, costly lawsuits and negative publicity.Professional Behaviour The general public demand professional accountants maintain a high ethical standard in order to maintain public confidence in the accountancy profession (Gordon Kiernander, 2009). The ethical principles that guide the work of auditors are listed as follows: * Integrity * Objectivity * Professional Competence and Due Care * Confidentiality * Professional Behavior (Farid Kerimov, 2011)Then, the professional behavior has been defined as high expectations for the auditing profession include compliance with laws and regulations and av oidance of any conduct that might bring discredit to auditors' work, including actions that would cause an objective third party with knowledge of the relevant information to conclude that the auditors' work was professionally deficient. Professional behavior includes auditors' putting forth an honest effort in performance of their duties and professional services in accordance with the relevant technical and professional standards (Government Auditing Standards, 2010).The main objective of an auditor is to purvey services at the highest standards of performance to satisfy public interest (Michael C. Knapp, 2009). However, frequently, users don’t have the needful ability to appreciate if the services offered by the auditor are or are not in accordance qualitatively with their requests, reason of which they are forced to accept till the contrary test that the auditors act in a competent and professional way.The guarantee of integrity and professional competency of an auditor c an be assured by the adhesion of them at an ethical code of the profession to which they belong (R. A. Kishore Nadkarni, 2000). If internal auditors or the internal audit activity is prohibited by law or regulation from conformance with certain parts of the Standards, conformance with all other parts of the Standards and appropriate disclosures are needed.Then, IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010). According to IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) Internal auditing is conducted in diverse legal and cultural environments; within organizations that vary in purpose, size, complexity, and structure; and by persons within or outside the organization.While differences may affect the practice of internal auditing in each enviro nment, conformance with The IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010). Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing differentiate among the varied responsibilities of the entity, the internal audit department, the director of internal auditing, and internal auditors.The responsibilities as a consultant or internal auditor are listed as follows: I. Internal auditors should be independent of the activities they audit. II. Internal audits should be performed with proficiency and due professional care. III. The scope of internal auditing should encompass the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization’s system of internal control and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities. IV.Audit work should include p lanning the audit, examining and evaluating information, communication results, and follow up. V. The Director of Internal Auditing Should Properly Manage the Internal Audit Department. (IIA Standards, 2010) The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (the Act) amended the Employment Rights Act 1996 and created a right to redress, enforceable by tribunal, in the event of unfair discrimination or dismissal by one’s employer as a result of â€Å"whistleblowing† – making a disclosure in the public interest.The Act sets conditions as to the subject matter of the disclosure, the motivation and beliefs of the worker, and the person(s) to whom the disclosure is made (Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998). According to Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, the purposes of the act are: I. It aims to help prevent such disasters and corporate malpractice in general by encouraging workers with relevant information to come forward responsibly. II.The Act seeks to achieve this by o ffering a right to redress in the event of victimization if workers raise their concerns in the ways specified in the legislation. III. It is also hoped that the Act will promote a change in culture amongst employers, and encourage them to establish procedures to receive disclosures in good faith and act on them appropriately. The scope of the Act includes disclosures which, in the reasonable belief of the worker, show one or more of the following, taking place either in the past, the present, or likely to take place in the future: * A crime; Breach of a legal obligation (regulatory, administrative, contract law or common law); * Miscarriage of justice; (for which the appropriate prescribed person in England and Wales is the Chief Executive of the Criminal Cases Review Commission); * Danger to health and safety; (for which the appropriate prescribed person is the Health and Safety Executive, or the relevant local authority); * Damage to the environment; (for which the appropriate pr escribed person in England and Wales is the Environment Agency); or * Attempts to cover up such malpractice.Apart from that, whistleblowers making an external disclosure to a prescribed person, instead of to their employer or via internal procedures, will be entitled to redress under the Act in the event that they suffer unfair discrimination or dismissal provided they: * make the disclosure in good faith; * reasonably believe that the information, and any allegation it contains, are substantially true; and * reasonably believe that the matter falls within the description of matters for which the person is prescribed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business accounting and the finance Pearson

This report has been prepared on an Australian pany which name is TPG Tel limited. This pany is working under the IT industry and the Australian tel munication industry. The main services of the pany are mobile telephone services and the internet services. According to a report, TPG tel is the second largest apny in Australian market in internet service provider panies. This pany is mainly a merger between total peripherals group. This pany has been founded in 1992 by Vickey Teoh and David. Basically, this pany is performing well in terms of finance as well as in terms of finance (About us, 2018). Ownership corporate governance of the TPG tel expresses about the way good structure of the investors. 82.74% stock of the pany own by the top 20 shareholders. The largest shareholder of the pany is WASHINGTON H SOUL PATTINSON AND PANY LIMITED. The pany has held 25.15% stock of the pany. Currently, there are 6 stockholders in the pany who has more than 5% stock in the pany’s shares and only 1 stockholder has more than 20% stock. Further, the annual report describe the CEO, executive directors, non executive directors, CFO etc of the pany has been evaluated and David Teoh is the executive chairman of the pany, Denis Ladbury, Robert Millner, Joseph Pang and Shane Teoh is the non executive directors of the pany. The report of top 20 shareholders of the pany explains that no members of the pany have more than 2% stock of the pany (Annual Report, 2018). Performance ratios of the pany have been described below. Performance ratios explain about the positive changes, position and the performance of the pany. Following are some of the performance ratios of TPG Tel as follows: Return on assets of the pany explains that the performance of the pany is quite better. It explains that how much profit is earned by the pany in context with the total assets. Following is the calculations of return on assets of the pany: Return on equity of the pany explains that the performance of the pany is quite better. It explains that how much profit is earned by the pany in context with the total equity. Following is the calculations of return on equity of the pany: Net profit after tax/ ordinary equity Debt ratios of the pany explain about the position and the capital structure of the pany. The current capital structure of the pany is way better. It explains that how much total liabilities are held by the pany in context with the total liability. Following is the calculations of debt ratio of the pany: EBIT / TA * NPAT / EBIT * TA/ OE = NPAT / OE Total assets and total equity determine the ROA and ROE of the pany with the help of the Net profit after tax. If the total assets and the total equity of an organization changes than it directly makes an impact over the ROA and the ROE (Deegan, 2013).   The above calculations on the TPG tel ’s ROE and ROA have been evaluated and it has been found that the ROA and ROE of the pany is 10.59% and 28.57%. It explains that the return on equity is always greater than the return on assets due to the accounting principle which states that the assets are the total of liabilities and the equity. The study of stock price has been evaluated further and it has been analyzed that the stock price of the pany and the stock price of AORD, both are quite volatile in nature and explains about the good performance of the pany (Yahoo finance, 2018). The following graph explains about the stock prices of both the stocks: Further, the graph epxlains that the correlation of the pany is in negative as it explains about the negative relationship among both the stocks. It epxlains that the changes in the stock of TPG is quite higher than the volatility of AORD stocks. Further, it explains that currently the stock price of the pany is way better (Brown, Beekes and Verhoeven, 2011).   Further, the factors has been evalauted which have imapcted on the stock price and due to which the stock of the pany has been changed. The main reason behind chnage is the petetion level of the pany, current report about the pany that is the second largest pany in the industry, further, the analysts has   described in their report about a better position of the pany in the market (Davies and Crawford, 2011). On the other hand, due to new technology and patetion the stock price of the pany has been lowered 2 to 3 times. The calculation on the stock price of the pany depicts that the beta of the pany is 0.7415. The required rate of return of the pany is as follows: Calculation of cost of equity (CAPM) The above calculations express that the pany’s cost in terms of equity is 5.48%. If the pany wants to raises the funds through equity than the pany has to pay 5.48% of total profit as cost of equity to the stockholders of the pany. The cost of equity of the pany is moderate.   According to the evaluation, it has been found that the risk of the pany is lower and return of the pany is quite higher and thus the pany is a conservative investment. Calculations of WACC are as follows: Calculation of cost of equity (CAPM) The above calculations express that the pany’s cost in terms of equity is 5.48% and in terms of debt is 4.2%. If the pany wants to raises the funds through equity than the pany has to pay 5.48% of total profit as cost of equity to the stockholders of the pany. On the other hand, in terms of debt, pany has to pay 4.2%. The cost of equity of the pany is higher than the cost of debt of the pany. The above calculations express that the cost of capital of the pany is 4.07%. Optimal capital structure of the pany explains that the liabilities of the pany have been reduced by the pany to manage a better capital structure. (Brown, Beekes and Verhoeven, 2011) Gearing ratios of the pany explains about the liabilities of the pany which has been reduced and the borrowings of the pany has been increased in current month and thus the gearing ratios of the pany has been lowered. Total Liabilities/ Capital employed Total Liabilities/ Capital employed The annual report of the pany expresses that the pany offers a great dividend to the pany with a 1.25% growth rate each year. It depicts that the pany is following relevant dividend policies (Annual report, 2018). Relevant dividend policies are a part of dividend policies. These policies explain to the pany that they should announce and give a good amount of dividend to the stockholder so that the investment level of the pany could be enhanced. Subject: R mendation about investment. It is r mended to you to invest into TPG tel . The report of evaluation of TPG tel briefs that the current position of the pany is quite attractive. It presents that the huge profit is earned by the pany and the great amount of dividend is given to the shareholders of the pany. The market stock price of the pany is also good. It explains that the investors should invest into the pany.   So, it is the best option for you to invest right now. About us. 2018. TPG Tel Limited. viewed Jan 25, 2018, https://www.tpg .au/ Annual Report. 2018. TPG Tel Limited. viewed Jan 25, 2018, https://www.tpg .au/about/pdfs/FY17%20Annual%20Report.pdf Brown, P., Beekes, W., and Verhoeven, P. 2011. Corporate governance, accounting and finance: A review.  Accounting & finance,  51(1), 96-172. Davies, T. and Crawford, I., 2011. Business accounting and finance. Pearson. Davies, T. and Crawford, I., 2011.  Business accounting and finance. Pearson. Deegan, C., 2013. Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Jiashu, G. 2009. Study on Fair Value Accounting——on the essential characteristics of financial accounting [J].  Accounting Research,  5, 003. Morningstar. 2018. TPG Tel Limited. viewed Jan 25, 2018, https://financials.morningstar /cash-flow/cf.html?t=XBER:YST®ion=deu&culture=en-US Yahoo Finance. 2018. TPG Tel Limited. viewed Jan 25, 2018, /quote/TPM.AX/chart?p=TPM.AX

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial Reporting - Essay Example InterContinental Hotels primarily listed on the London Stock exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It is secondary listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This report is concerned with the performance of the group in the last Accounting period, 2011. Therefore, performance analysis will compare results of 2011 with those of 2010. We will also analyze segmental information of the group by comparing 2011 results with 2010 results. 1.1 Analysis of segmental information In this analysis, we will consider two segments in IHG which are the business segments and the geographical segments (IHG Annual report 2011). Geographical segments include America, Europe, great China, AMEA and Central. You find that IHGs target market is in the developed markets and the emerging markets. As discussed earlier, IHG has four business segments with regard to the percentage of control. They include the Franchised, managed, owned and leased and central parts of the business. a. Revenue Looking a t the 2011 financial report, there was no significant change in the percentage of revenue contribution by each business segment. The percentage of revenue contribution by franchised part of the business remained the same at 34% compared with year 2010. For the owned and leased segment, revenue contribution dropped by 2% from 35% in 2010 to 33% in 2011. ... From the analysis, most of the revenue has been realized in the franchised part of the business. This is because it majority of the hotels have been franchised, approximately over 3900 hotels. In the case of the geographical segments, the percentage of revenue contribution in America dropped by 3%, that is from 50 percent in 2010 to 47 percent in 2011. In Europe, there was 23 percent revenue contribution and 20 percent in 2010. There was no significant change in AMEA as the percentage of revenue contribution declined by one percent. In 2011, there was 12% revenue contribution and 13% in 2010. The same applies to china as there was little change in revenue contribution percentage. It only increased by 1%, from 11 percent in 2010 to 12 percent in 2011. The central region experienced no changes at all in revenue contribution percentage as it remained at 6 percent. America contributes the highest percentage of revenue since it has over 3.4 million rooms of which 1.3 million rooms are bra nded and has a market share of 64% in the industry. Other geographical segments such as AMEA lie in between. China on the contrary indicates growth opportunity as it seems that the market has not been fully tapped, and no barriers of entry exist (IHG Annual report 2011). In addition, there is a strong economic growth in china. b. Operating profits margin including Exceptional Items In the geographical segment, America has the best performance, then AMEA and Great China. Europe has the lowest performance with regard to operating profits including exceptional items. In 2011, , there was a 9%, 10% and 3% increase in operating profit including exceptional items in America, AMEA and Great China respectively. Europe experienced a drop by 6% that is from 22 percent in 2010 to 16 percent in

How important is social stratification to civilization Essay

How important is social stratification to civilization - Essay Example uss the importance of social stratification to civilization by using examples such as Egypt, Rome, China, Vietnam, Egypt and Greece to show how societies in these countries depended on social stratification. Without social classes, the whole system will collapse as social classes hold it together. The king may turn into a dictator and order the killing of those who are not in support of him, the workers and slaves may commit mutiny, the merchants would refuse to sell their goods and even the high priests would all fight in order to get the throne. This would create a very chaotic scenario. Social classes, therefore, define the position of an individual in society be they a slave or a worker in the Army.1 An instance can be shown such as in Africa, Egypt; the society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods who were believed to control the universe and so they needed to be kept happy as they had the ability to make the Nile flow for instance or cause famine and death. They could elevate some humans to be gods, the pharaohs, for instance, who had absolute power over their subjects and had many responsibilities among them protection of the people. Individuals in Egypt abused their powers by the establishment of leaders amongst themselves and hierarchy that was based on the wealth and individual importance. This led to destructive forces for the fragile societies leading to the disappearance of lasting civilizations. In Rome, there were two distinct political classes, the rich and powerful and the merchants, farmers, soldiers, and artisans. The patricians expelled the king and instituted a whole new government and monopolized all political offices in Rome. Even though the patricians were confident in their wealth, they could not survive without the others who mainly served to provide food. There was the lack of autonomy and welfare, and so social stratification did not exist. This serves as a basic example of the effects of a collapse in the social

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fashion Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Fashion Leadership - Essay Example Keeping in view the importance of image of politicians, celebrities and political figures, fashion leadership is a viable methodology to increase their influence because, if people dress like politicians, it subliminally means that people will vote for them. On the other hand, lifestyle replication in public is considered as an effective measure in selecting the most famous personalities in the world. This premise can be supported with Mrs. Obama’s large-scale impact on the stock prices of the firms, which are providing her with various attires for her public appearances because, her public appearances are causing the share price of her clothes suppliers to rise substantially in following weeks and therefore she is providing these firms with elite class of endorsement. The main point to notice is Mrs. Obama’s use of attires which are unique, distinct and not in the reach of the wider population due to its higher value in monetary terms. This gives her a distinct positio n and shows her ability to lead by the power of distinction and prominence as no other can compete her. Another angle of analysis can relate this observation with historic presumption of power in few hands because; capitalism is based on the concept of wealth accumulation within the highest ranks of the society (Marx, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. Karl Marx Estranged Labour, 1844). Therefore, the phenomenon of fashion influence is commonly associated with the elite societal class due to new fashion’s high cost in early days.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing communication - Essay Example Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a simple and modern concept used by organisations to ensure careful and effective linkage of all forms of communication. The concept of IMC enables organisation to effectively co-ordinate and integrate all of its marketing communication tools and functions. This management tool has been developed to ensure the integrated working of all aspects of promotion including advertisements, direct marketing, sales promotion techniques, and public relations. Promotion is one of the Ps in the marketing mix and it has a distinct set of communications tools. Since the tool of promotion plays a pivotal role in determining the sales volume of a business, IMC concept can significantly affect business profitability. This paper will discuss different aspects of integrated market communications and will provide reasons for licensing the importance of IMC perspective. Simply, IMC is a management process of maintaining customer relationships by way of communic ation efforts in order to promote brand value. Such efforts may include cross functional processes which are strategically designed to maintain profitable relationship with different stakeholder groups by effectively controlling all messages sent to them with the application of different communication tactics. The IMC techniques promote integration of different marketing operations and this process in turn affects the firm’s business to business, customer oriented, and internally directed interactions. Advertising tools, promotional tools, and integration tools are some of the major components of the IMC. Advertising tools add value to brand and firm image; and they include advertising designs, selection of advertising channels, execution strategies, and advertising management. Promotional tools comprise of direct sales, trade promotions, customer oriented promotions, public relations, and sponsorship projects whereas integrations tools mainly include online promotion techniq ues and other integrated marketing programmes. The internet has changed products/services promotion strategies and the way marketers and customers interact with each other. Researchers argue that a comprehensive IMC plan would enhance harmony between marketers and customers. According to Kenneth (2007, p. 31), all IMC strategies are centred on a master marketing plan, which consists of six well defined phases such as situation analysis, marketing objectives, marketing budget, marketing strategies, marketing tactics, and evaluation of performance. IMC ensures uninterrupted flow of messages and effective use of media through the application of online and offline marketing channels. Online marketing channels embrace e-mail, pay per click, blog, podcast, and internet TV whereas offline marketing channels include newspapers, magazines, flex boards, industry relations, and television. In modern days, use of IMC has become essential for organisations to ensure success; and companies consid er all the elements of the marketing mix while designing an integrated marketing communication programme. Some professionals claim that IMC is a critical thinking approach that can accurately identify consumer insights and effectively responds to them. It must be noted that selection of right communication tools is an important aspect of an IMC plan as every communication tool would not fit the size and nature of every business. Even though the scope of an IMC plan is broader than an advertising campaign, the lion’s part of the marketing budget is spent on the design and circulation of advertisements. Evidently, personal selling is the most common type of integrated marketing communication technique. Generally, personal selli

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Glo bus simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Glo bus simulation - Essay Example technologies ever cognizant that the imaging industry evolves so quickly that emerging technology could easily render a prevailing technology obsolete and irrelevant. A5 Digital Camera Co. also caters to market where it can strategically position its product favorably that would highlight its advantages as a company allowing it to profit and grow while developing new technologies as a foresight to the ever changing future. The markets that A5 Digital Camera identified where it can leverage its position are both the end-user hobbyist and the professional photographer. These markets prove to be favorable to A5 Digital Camera due to its sheer size and relatively new market considering that digital camera industry is still relatively in its nascent stage. The room to explore new market among end users is still considerable allowing further growth for the company. In addition, it can still develop new markets of which A5 Digital Camera could be a pioneer by introducing new technologies that is considered cutting edge in the digital imaging industry. To ensure that the market will remain relevant in the market, A5 Digital Camera will develop its core competencies and product lines to make each and every process in the company create value for the customer. A5 Digital Camera will also continue to seek new markets and identify areas in the market that has not been fully covered or served by the competitors. Better yet, identify markets that have not been discovered by the competitors. These markets will provide invaluable opportunities for A5 Digital Camera to dominate these markets and acquire market share with the least competition. In addition to seeking emerging and unexplored markets, A5 Digital Camera will also identify markets that have few competitions and ventured by small players where A5 Digital Camera can exploit its size and advantages to challenge the existing players. This will allow A5 Digital Camera to acquire new markets and/or widen its market

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Gold Marilyn Monroe and Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair Essay

Gold Marilyn Monroe and Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair - Essay Example The essay "Gold Marilyn Monroe and Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair" analyzes wo paintings, Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair by Frida Kahlo and Gold Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol. Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair, by Frida Kahlo hangs at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, currently on show among other masterpieces of the time. Kahlo painted this medium-sized canvas in 1940, shortly after her divorce from Diego Rivera. Theirs was a tempestuous relationship, shown by their remarriage the following year and the content of this picture, which shows Kahlo after she sheared off most of her long hair . Many art critics have opinions about why she painted herself in such a masculine way: short hair, man’s suit, unladylike posture. It is perhaps to state that after her husband’s infidelity with her own sister Cristina, she was making herself unattractive, unfeminine and unapproachable. Others say she always had masculine tendencies, shown by her relationships with women. The tru th lies somewhere between, more related to grief and mourning than to statements of gender. Kahlo was part Jewish. She was very close to her German-Jewish father Wilhelm Kahlo , and was probably expressing the Jewish way of grieving something lost, something dead: her love. The verse from Jeremiah (Ch 7, v 29), in the Old Testament: ‘Shave your head in mourning, and weep alone on the mountains.’ And in Micah Ch 1:1, ‘Weep, you people of Judah! Shave your heads in sorrow...’ are well known. It is almost certain Kahlo would have known.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mise-en-scne Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mise-en-scne - Essay Example The movie has gained worldwide recognition due to it being able to address a large audience on a global scale that has been able to relate with every aspect of it. This paper thus helps to provide an insight into the technical factors of the movie including things like its acting, storyline, cinematography (done by Eric Steelberg) as well as style and direction; in other words, talks about the mis en scene associated with the film. Juno has a very basic story line as well as concept attached to the tale; it is about a young girl trying to explore the nooks and crannies of intimacy and relationships without understanding the implications that might arise along with the same. The film has been directed in a very concise manner making use of pencil stylized ‘rotoscoped’ images right from the credits in the beginning, making use of animation in order to help the audience understand the maturity level of the girl and the kind of colourful life that she always wanted to live f or herself. This entire sequence took a period of seven to eight months to be mastered as each and every shot that follows Juno on her way to the medical pharmacy was taken in short screenings. The set design is incredible, assisting in providing the film with a touch of wonder. The film helps teenagers to explore the kind of curiosity that reigns within them, and how the same should be understood not by simply jumping in and trying things out with friends, but by reading about things and comprehending the facts about life from one’s parents first. It helps children and young adults to understand how friends might not be the best option when it comes to understanding such information about pregnancy and intercourse. These aspects of life are crucial to one’s existence and they must be understood well by every individual so that he is able to make his own decisions without falling into trouble or having unplanned circumstances crop up in his life. (Sciretta, Peter) Thus , the film achieved mass appeal because of the story telling as well as how the girl managed to learn her lesson without panicking much about the situation. The various characters within the movie have been portrayed in a very interesting manner. The director has taken his time to choose the main protagonists and provide them with a different twist. Juno is a young teenage girl who comes off a little strong on the first meeting with everyone. Full of sarcasm, she helps to put an indie spin on the movie and gives a very intense performance with her dominating nature and need to control everything that might not even be in her reach. However, she understands where she went wrong by getting pregnant but decides to bring about a change in a couple’s life with the help of her baby who she is willing to give up in order to make someone else happy. There was a vast amount of dramatisation in the film played by the other characters, namely Juno’s parents which helped to calm t he situation by making her understand what she had gone through, and helping her come out with a solution rather than screaming at her and making her feel the pain of the implications and consequences that she was already suffering. The two characters acted in an excellent manner, almost very real and lifelike, helping parents all around to understand how to cope with their children if they befall such a similar situation in their future. Juno herself wonderfully shows the kind of solid and sincere relationship she

The Remains of the Day Essay Example for Free

The Remains of the Day Essay Kazuo Ishiguros The Remains of the Day is an intimate portrayal of an utterly English butler through his methodical ruminations on the subjects of greatness and dignity. Stevens, the aging butler of Darlington Hall, performs his job with selflessness and a ruthless suppression of emotion. He is unsentimental, stiffly walking through job and life like an automaton. He presents himself, perhaps unknowingly, as glacially reserved, humorless (when the new owner of Darlington Hall takes over, Stevens finds himself having to practice banter in order to please his American employer), and snobbish. Out of an unquestioning respect for his betters and a misplaced need to repress all emotion, Stevens has managed to rid himself of all sense of identity, creating a blank facade that fools even himself. He is, indeed, as Galen Strawson calls him, an innocent masterpiece of self-repression (535). Stevenss lack of identity is further emphasized by the fact that he is known only as Stevens; with no apparent first name, he becomes unselfed, possessing no self outside of his manservant role. Critics have made much of the butlers namelessness, citing it as evidence of his suppression and lack of humanity. David Gurewich, for example, points out that for Stevens to have a first name would be improper, and at odds with tradition (77). He is essentially, many contend, worthy of only the surname, lacking the personal identity, as well as any affable qualities, that a given namethe Christian name, the familiar namemight lend. However, a close reading of the novel discovers that Stevens, indeed, has a first namea name of which he is obviously proud and one that is especially appropriate to his character. Early in the novel Stevenss father joins Darlington House; in his seventies, he is too feeble and old to head a household, but he is nonetheless determined to serve someone in some capacity. At one point Stevens becomes miffed when Miss Kenton, the head housekeeper, refers to his father by his first name, William; Stevens demands that she call his father Mr. Stevens. Not allowing his father to be referred to in a personal manner is the same propriety that prevents Stevens from addressing Miss Kenton by her first name and, later, by her married name. It is in large part a result of Stevenss own inability to become personable, personal, emotional. Later, obeying his dictum, Miss Kenton comments, I am sure Mr. Stevens senior is very good at his job (55,italics added), revealing through implication that Stevens is a junior, that his first name is, in fact, William. Stevens is every bit his fathers son and appropriately his fathers namesake. The shared name emphasizes that Stevens is the analogy of his father in both service and dignity. Stevens has obvious and unmitigated respect for his father, whom Stevens views as the perfect butler: [I]t is my firm conviction, Stevens says at one point, that at the peak of his career my father was indeed the embodiment of dignity' (34), the essence of a true butler. Like his son, Stevenss father demonstrates in his day-to-day life an almost inhuman restraint of emotions, in keeping, they both believe, with the dignity inherent in service. Stevens relates the tale of his fathers having to serve the general whose incompetence was responsible for a sons death; Mr. Stevens Senior, denying personal feelings to a disturbing degree, attends to the general with utter professionalism and emotionlessness, an act Stevens later sees as the personification itself of dignity in keeping with his position' (42). Years later Stevens acts with remarkably similar dignity, performing service duties while his father lies dying in an upstairs bedroom. Stevens later considers this to be the epitome of his service, regarding it as a turning point in my life as the moment in my career when I truly came of age as a butler (70). As his father dies, Stevens continues his duties, serving drinks, maintaining proper order, retrieving bandages for the deplorable M. Dupont, all the while unaware that he is crying, his inner walls crumbling under the weight of humanity, his outer walls standing firm. The act establishes him as the quintessential butler and, more important, as proper heir to his fathers name; further, it is through this act of quelled emotion and staunch repression that Stevens indeed earns his fathers name. Stevenss mirroring of his father is further evident in the butlers most intimate relationships, both of which are virtually emotionless and completely passionless. The relationship with his father is the end result of a lifetime of extreme emotional repression. This is most poignantly illustrated as his father, on his deathbed, tells his son, I hope Ive been a good father to you (97), and Stevens can only reply over and over, Im so glad youre feeling better now (97); Stevens is helpless to think of a better, more loving response. He has re-created ithin himself his fathers emotional vacuum, ridding himself of all feelings and, simultaneously, his heart. The void he has so painstakingly constructed is there to haunt him when the possibility of love appears in the form of Miss Kenton. Unable to respond to her intimations (often overt) of a desired relationship, Stevens allows the one possible love of his life to escape. His extreme professionalism prevents him from responding emotional ly to Miss Kenton on any level, allowing her instead to slip away into marriage and forever away from him. Encountering Miss Kenton, now Mrs. Benn, years later and discovering the truth of this past opportunity of love (and, subsequently, the possibility of happiness and fulfillment), Stevens is finally overwhelmed by his pent-up emotions and confesses to his pain: Indeedwhy should I not admit it? at that moment, my heart was breaking (239). Stevens sacrifices all to service, to dignity, to becoming the perfect butler; his entire existence is founded on his butlers profession. And in the end, he finds himself alone, lonelybut unequivocally worthy of his fathers name.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Agriprocessors - Muckrakers of the 21st Century Essay Example for Free

Agriprocessors Muckrakers of the 21st Century Essay Despite common belief, child labor still exists in the United States. In some areas more than others. The government defines child labor as work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children. There are companies in America that employ kids who; ââ€"  are under the required age to do jobs in dangerous environments ââ€"  are paid less than minimum wage ââ€"  are not even supposed to be in this country (illegal immigrants) Many of these companies would not be the first place you would look for illegal workers. One such company that was thriving from its illegal ventures was the Agriprocessors Inc. Kosher Slaughterhouse and Meats Packing Plant in Postville, Iowa. The so called â€Å"religious† CEO, Sholom Rubashkin was involved in many behind the counter activities. Besides the $35 million dollars he gained illegally through bank fraud, he was a strong supporter of child labor. His company helped provide fake documents for children who were either under-aged or illegal immigrants, so that they would be able to work for him. Kids as young as 13 were working on slippery, blood-covered floors, using ban-saws and other such limb-removing equipment to cut up livestock. They had little of the proper safety equipment. They were mostly paid minimum wage, but there were some kids that were paid â€Å"behind the counter† to do â€Å"low risk jobs, such as cleaning floors or transporting materials. What is now known as the Postville Raid, occurred in 2008. A large scale raid was performed by Homeland Security and the CIA. It resulted in over 400 arrests of both adult, and child illegal immigrant workers (pictures below). This is just one company that took advantage of children in need. There are many more out there that havent been caught. Not all companies that hire children use illegal child labor. There are plenty of organizations that help kids find jobs that will suit them and are actually able to do. One example of these organizations is Youth Employment Services with IYB. There are also businesses that hire older teens to do jobs such as running a cash register, or restocking shelves. Two examples of businesses that hire older teens are Wegmans and Rite Aid. The circumstances that caused the Postville Raid, were not at all uncommon in the early 20th century. Many children worked in dangerous environments, doing difficult jobs for very little pay. At one point, 19% of all children in the US had jobs. There were many types of jobs for children. They could work in mines, factories, mills, farms, and food processing. They worked long shifts (12 hours was common) and were lucky if they make 80 cents in that time. The government passed few laws regarding these issues at the time. Today’s government is doing its best to shut down any company or business that uses illegal child labor. The problem is that these illegal activities are getting harder and harder to spot. It used to be that children needed to worry about bad working conditions. In modern times, children are being used in downright illegal activities. For example, children are used to transport/smuggle illegal goods throughout the United States. In general, the issues of child labor have changed since the 1900’s. The main difference that separates the modern era from the 20th century, is the existence of laws that protect children and prevent them from performing dangerous jobs. The pictures below are from the Postville Raid. I learned about it from a show I saw on the Discovery channel. There may be a documentary on netflix. if you are at all interested, I would highly recommend watching it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A History Of The Netflix Strategy

A History Of The Netflix Strategy In 1997, Reed Hastings, along with partners Marc Randolph and Mitch Lowe, was inspired to develop one of the most successful bricks and mortar businesses to date, when a frustrating situation exposed the need to create a lucrative e-commerce business, requiring many of the same basic components as a traditional business, including a cohesive business model, compelling marketing plan, and strong implementation strategy. It was the video rental late fee that motivated Reed Hastings to develop  [1]  Advances in technology, adaptation of DVD media over VHS, and an unmet consumer demand is responsible for the successful launch of Hastings vision, which has undergone several strategy shifts similar to other innovative start-up companies that begin with a simple vision. Changes in focus or direction have continued to assure that the company remains dominant in the movie rental industry, using a strong business strategy and a cohesive implementation plan that have increased the odds of their success in the market. Hastings began his business by declaring a simple yet effective mission statement, our appeal and success are built on the most expansive selection of DVDs; an easy way to choose movies; and fast, free delivery.  [2]  The business strategy for Netflix has evolved to satisfy new market opportunities, although the original concept has remained the same, making the companys business model the perfect business model from which all eBusinesses could learn, regardless of the slow adoption by the internet user community. To translate market opportunity to business opportunity, Hastings follows the seven-step framework to create the original company and continued to leverage the individual steps to re-evaluate the companys position in a changing market. . There are four key environments to consider when analyzing a market opportunity-customers, company, technology, and competition.  [3]  The overlapping areas of these key environments would represent the market opportunity area for a business. The first of the seven step process identified the unmet or underserved customer needs by Reed Hastings, being a customer himself. He was able to draw upon his personal experience to establish the opportunity nucleus of the company that stemmed mostly from processes dictated by traditional video rental businesses. The bricks and mortar movie rental companies had generally established methods and policies regarding video rentals, late fees, and membership rules that, according to Hastings, would have no reason to change without external competition. Following the problem recognition step, Netflix identified its target market by grouping customers into segments, referred to as the distinction between must-have and nice-to-have customers.  [4]  For Netflix, this includes identifying customers using geographic, demographic, and behavioural segmentation approaches, with the target audience expanding beyond the regions and primary market areas that typically define traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. In this type of business, the target audience is bound by technology rather than geography, giving Netflix the competitive advantage it needed to begin as a business by utilizing an Internet-based system that allowed a user to find movie titles, making it easier than strolling the aisles of a video rental store. The entire supply-chain of the Netflix mail-order fulfillment system is more desirable than issues surrounding weather, store hours, and drop boxes common to most bricks and mortar movie rental businesses. Step four of the seven-step process involved assessing the resources necessary to deliver the benefits of the product to the consumer for Netflix as a company, and step five required an in-depth assessment of the technology required to deliver the product to the end-user, and the impact of these new technologies externally as the technologies used in 1997 were primitive to present-day technologies. As a positioning strategy for the future, Netflix was able to incorporate Broadband technology as a part of its product delivery system and distribution strategy as it is commonplace today, making the online users experience many times better than before. Step six of the market opportunity framework involved distilling the opportunity into concrete terms, before the final step of justifying the companys position in the market and identifying the overlapping areas of the four key environments mentioned earlier that represent the market opportunity area for Netflix. The online experience that Netflix provides to its consumer rivals the competition and is a part of its differentiation strategy in the market. The Netflix market position boasts an easier way to choose movies, fast and free shipping, and no late fees or due dates  [5]  , unique to the company in terms of its product and delivery. In addition to following the movie rental membership models of other businesses, Netflix expanded the scope of their offering to include several levels of membership and created an online community where member could contribute by offering and sharing reviews as a part of its promotion strategy. Today, this online business model that differentiates the product by creating an experience for the user has become a beacon for other businesses to follow.  [6]   Netflix follows best practices across 7Cs-context, commerce, connection, communication, content, community, and customization as its product, promotion and distribution strategy.  [7]  The context of Netflix site follows basic rules for ease of use and navigation standards for the web, and uses a clean, uncluttered design to present an online movie rental experience that is unique for its users. The color scheme and graphic elements also remain true to the corporate brand image of the company. Its commerce capability is limited only by its business model, where members spend the majority of their time within the areas of the Netflix website that offers movie reviews and search capabilities, as the only transactions are one-time enrolments and subscriptions to the monthly service. Members only revisit the commerce section if a subscription needs to be changed since all other transactions are automatic and recurring. The connection design element is not used on the Netflix member s ite as the Netflix website does not offer any external links. However, in the non-member and public areas within the website, Netflix offers external links to the websites of major publications, well-known critics, and other movie review sites. Netflix banner ads that are found on many popular sites, link each banner ad to the Netflix main page. Netflix has also mastered the challenges associated with integrating their website and other communication channels. As an example, each time a movie is returned, the member receives an email, asking them to review the movie and offer additional comments if desired. Periodically, the member receives an email asking for information regarding the timing and condition of a DVD once it is delivered. This information is then used to monitor the quality of service of the fulfillment centers. The Netflix website content consists mostly of movie imagery, descriptions and storylines, and member posted reviews. A non-member is presented with content d esigned to encourage enrolment, whereas the member community enjoys a user-specific experience, where movie titles are presented to each member that are relevant to his or her likes and dislikes, based on individual movie reviews. The content also includes static information regarding the Netflix organization, its affiliates, career listings, and social networking links. Additionally, Netflix provides a robust community design element to their site, where members are invited to participate in reviews, forums, and blogs. The tell-a-friend option creates a viral element useful in word-of-mouse marketing, but falls short of providing functionality that allows member-to-member communication. Movie ratings provided by the users are real-time, whereas the written reviews are moderated before posting live to the site. Lastly, customization features include allowing every member to manage his or her own personal movie queue. Much like a playlist, the Netflix queue is used to control and man age the titles and order that the movies should be delivered to the member. The site uses this customization element to provide a member-specific experience to the user. Every member also receives an interactive list of movie titles that can be added to their playlist as another customization feature, after analyzing the members previously watched movies and the associated ratings provide enough information to create a suggested playlist. Netflix uses several communication strategies as its promotion strategy for prospecting and acquiring new members. Of the four categories of communication which are direct, personalized, mass marketing, and general approaches, the company relies mostly on the general approach of banner ads, email, and viral marketing. Members opt-in to receive special notices, offers, and incentives.  [8]  Netflix also uses banner advertising to direct traffic from sites with a similar audience demographic as their current target market. As its new pricing strategy, Netflix split its pricing model into two options. The first one continued with the old model where customers get unlimited streaming along with DVD-rentals, and also added a new option where customers get unlimited movie streaming without the option of DVD-rental. The unlimited streaming only option, which is clearly Netflixs preferred method of delivering TV shows and movies, costs $7.99 per month. The unlimited streaming with DVD-rental costs between $9.99 to $41.99 per month, depending on the number of DVDs rented. The old pricing model started at $9.99 per month, so the new streaming only option represents a $2.00 monthly decrease.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Did Odyssues Bring The Trouble :: essays research papers

Did Odysseus and his men bring the string of catastrophes on themselves? Yes, they did get themselves into serious trouble. With a pompous attitude, the men prolonged their journey home to Ithaca. Those who did not have Odysseus’s smarts, died because of this. When they raided the Cicones’ village, harassed Poseidon’s son, and killed the Helios’s cattle, they punished themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Odysseus and his men stormed Cicones, and reeked havoc on all that lived there, even the sheep. They killed men who fought, robbed the citizens, and enslaved the women, and slaughtered the livestock, before dividing the loot between them. But this was a fatal mistake, for the Cicones had a great and powerful army. Odysseus’s shipmates fought a hard battle, but were defeated in the end. Many of their lives were lost. “Six benches were left empty in every ship';. Their selfishness cost them friends and shipmates, and made their attempt to get home, even more difficult.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After stabbing Polyphemus in his eye and blinding him, Odysseus provoked and harassed the Cyclops, which angered him immensely. “ Cyclops, if ever mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son whose home’s on Ithaca';, shouted Odysseus to the crippled Polyphemus, which was not very smart. If Odysseus had not told the Cyclops this incriminating information, he would have had a much safer journey. Polyphemus begged his father Poseidon, god of earthquake, to curse Odysseus. The Cyclops cried out to his father to prevent Odysseus from returning home, and pleaded with him to let Odysseus lose his companions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Circe and Tiresias warned Odysseus and his men that it would be disastrous if the sun god’s cattle were harmed. Odysseus urged his men, who were fatigued, to avoid the island of the sun god, Thrinacia. Instead of heeding this warning the men landed on the island, but only after Odysseus made them swear not to touch the cattle. On the island, they did not just touch the cattle, they made a meal of them. Helios, the sun god, was infuriated, and he asked for restitution from Zeus. As a punishment for their crimes, the ruler of all gods threw down a bolt of hot lighting and destroyed Odysseus’s ships.

American Colonies :: American America History

American Colonies When settlers from England came to America, they envisioned a Utopia, where they would have a say in what the government can and cannot do. Before they could live in such a society they would have to take many small steps to break the hold England had on them. The settlers of America had to end a monarchy and start their own, unique, form of government. They also had to find a way that they would have some kind of decision making power. The most important change that the colonies in America had to make was to become a society quite different from that in England. By 1763 although some colonies still maintained established churches, other colonies had accomplished a virtual revolution for religious toleration and separation of church and state. During the mid-1600's England was a Christian dominated nation; the colonies, however, were mainly Puritans. When Sir Edmond Andros took over a Puritan church in Boston for Anglican worship, the Puritans believed this was done to break their power and authority. The Puritan church in New England was almost entirely separated from the state, except that they taxed the residents for the church's support. The churches in New England had no temporal power, unlike the church of England. Many seaport towns like Marble head and Gloucester, became more religious as time pasted. This show of religious freedom was a way in which the colonies had religious toleration and differed from the Christian church in England. Unlike the well-defined social classes of England, the colonies had a streamline class structure, which gave individuals the chance to rise on the social latter. New settlers living on the coast could become rich by fishing and selling what they caught. If fishing was not a settler's strong point, then they could try their hand at farming. Getting the land to farm on was the easy part. The 'head right' system gave each male 50 acres, and 50 acres to each indentured servant he might bring over. England could not do this because England so defined the social classes and they did not have enough land that they could give to every male and his indentured servant. In a similar economic revolution, the colonies out grew their mercantile relationship with England and developed their own expanding capitalist system. The idea of a set amount of wealth in the world and that if one were to become wealthy, he or she had to take from someone who is already wealthy, is basically what mercantilism means.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Constitution Position Paper :: essays research papers

The falls of this country are due to the Articles of Confederation and a weak centralized government. To correct this, a strong national government will need to take its place. The majority of this delegation wishes to accept the Constitution as the new federal government of the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many good arguments were brought up during the proceedings such as William Paterson’s view of revising the Articles and proposing the union of the states as merely federal. Alexander Hamilton’s idea of a supreme executive serving during good behavior or life with veto power over all laws. Both of these were rejected. Paterson’s plan because there are too many faults with the Articles and Hamilton’s idea because it is too close to a form of monarchy. The most accepted idea was by Edmund Randolph and James Madison. In it they proposed the government be broken up into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial; and each branch to check and balance each other’s power. This centralized government would have the power to veto laws enacted by state legislatures. The majority of the delegates voted on a supreme power national government over the federations being an agreement resting on the good faith of its members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The many problems in the Articles of Confederation that led us to throw it away rather than to amend it were its inability to tax, no national court system, no executive to enforce acts of Congress, lack of regulation of foreign and interstate commerce, amendments with consent of all states, and the fact that the articles are only a firm league of friendship that is non-binding. There are too many changes to me made to have the state legislatures vote on it. The result would be no changes for the legislatures stand to loose power. The only way that changes will be made if we start new.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many new issues came up with the Constitution and they were settled. The issue of legislation was fixed with a bicameral legislature with two houses where one is represented equally by each state is allotted two votes while the other is based on population. How slaves would be counted was settled where every five slaves counted as three persons.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

1831, Year of Eclipse by Louis Masur Essay

The number of anthropologists, philosophers, and literary writers who portrayed their vision of America’s future includes many people. Louis Masur and George Orwell are two such literary writers who fit this group. They attempted to project the future of our American nation based on the current actions. Masur saw a trend, a path that was unavoidably steering in a particular direction. The analytical energies put into studying Louis Masur’s works are vast. I will review 1831, Year of Eclipse by Louis Masur and add some clarity to the reasoning behind the development and proof of his attempts at foreshadowing where the American nation was headed. Masur stated that 1831 marked the year in which America was transformed from a post- revolutionary republic into a democratic nation. The incidents and state-of-mind of our wobbly nation, in 1831, created the scaffold for reactive behavior that would lead to the catastrophic—yet necessary—outbreak of the U.S. Civil War thirty years later. Masur created a sense of foreboding. And how could he not? The state of civil unrest in our nation, at the time, was teeming with hostility as the North was, very clearly, in a face-off against the South. The issue of slavery, obviously, was the catalyst highlighting the fragility of a nation that was just over 50 years old. Part of the trials behind Masur’s thesis and the on-going development of his publication, were also linked to the prevailing image of the soon-to-come solar eclipse. The year of 1831 was more of a window of opportunity and a spot to view his on-going research of America’s turmoil instead of a time for Masur to join forces and advertise his premonitions. The eclipse of the sun prevailed on February 12, 1831 and received all the media hype that was available in that era. Some literary presenters and political strongmen at the time chose to use the shadow of the sun as a metaphor or omen-like prophecy of the times to come. Yet, at the time, Masur took this opportunistic moment in history and made a parallel link. He likened the storming eclipse of our planet’s closest star as a metaphor to the gathering protests over slavery, abolition, taxation, rights of state, and even religious arguments. Masur, in fact, wasn’t the only one who saw the inevitability of Civil War due to the anguish over slavery. Alexis de Tocquieville was another person who perceived the war on the way. Masur was a firm believer in the possible realization of the question at hand: can the United States survive as a nation? Masur offered the reader witty, intellectual methods in his writings regarding the troubles facing government officials and leaders of state. To say, hypocrisy was prevalent in this era of political, social, and developing democracy is an understatement. Most of Masur’s argument surrounded the issue of slavery and equality; for this was, without a doubt, the main thrust of civil unrest. Here are a few examples of issues Masur discussed in his publication: Virginia’s white representation of people displayed bitterness over the white women murdered during the slave revolution. They did, however, according to historical records, praise the Lord that rape wasn’t an issue during the killings. Secondly, once the revolt was squashed, some Southerners wanted to control any future revolt by instilling fear and terror in any revolutionary slaves. As an aside, isn’t it ironic—and sad—that today’s terrorism has caused worldwide fear, the same fear people of the South wanted to instill upon the slaves? We can view this ridiculous attempt at controlling slaves that were already under animal-like control as a precursor to tiny cells of Taliban terror, right within the walls separating the North and the South of the early 19th century. Masur went on to state how the fury of hypocrisy in our nation of civil unrest led the Southern doctrine to lie. Imagine that. The Southerners made claims that the slaves were actually content, and even loyal, to their slave owners.   There was more rage in the separation of people as Northern newspaper editors and the North-People, in general, were annoyed by William Lloyd Garrison’s radical abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator. Yet, just as is the case in the impact of 21st century media, this fierce resistance only improved newspaper circulation. The people wanted to hear about the ‘dirt.’ The fragility of our nation was further unhinged by certain southern states taking pride in the doctrine of nullification. This, in turn, led to the federal government losing power to interfere with slave trade. However, one of the pinnacles toward the start of the war occurred when Garrison began to advertise the U.S. constitution as an â€Å"agreement in hell.† In closing, the breadth of Masur’s writings were simply a method for this well-organized, well-researched, and prolific writer to create and advertise what was actually going in the south, and how political unrest and a separation of state was clouding the vision of the governing body. This was not the means toward developing a free nation, as prescribed in the U.S. constitution by our founding Fore Fathers. He used wit and did not hide or gloss over the details. He was not developing a thesis simply for the sake of telling a story. His pride and dire concern over the fate of the ground he walked on needed a voice of reason. His book 1831, Year of Eclipse was the driving force, and the voice of reason, behind his means of preparing the people for the onslaught that was to come. SOURCES Masur, Louis, 1831, Year of Eclipse. New York : Hill and Wang, 2001.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analysis: “How much Land does a Man need” by Leo Tolstoy Essay

As Humans, we have desires that bring forth us do possession on something to a greater extent than what we have to benefit us. In this short story, Leo Tolstoy de brave outrs the heart and soul that greed, in the stop over brings us nothing except death itself. This story tells us that heretofore if we have rich that we can baffle by the odds of becoming wealthinessier is so seductive to us that we are put up to loose everything we love.Tolstoy starts his story with two women and their blood in whose purport is founder. Is is a life with or without avouchership? As they continue, the proclaimer of the house, Pahom, joins and agrees that life without possessions is better hence the circumstance that they will have no temptations towards wealth and not business the cod. In this story, devil is greed. But he, himself thinks about having take down of his own so he wouldnt fear the devil. From the beginning, Pahom is a hardworking man, but he makes the mistake in thinki ng that much take down would give him a better life. He says it himself If I had plenty of knowledge base, I shouldnt fear the devil himself When he scrams the shot at buying his own convey, he jumps into the chance with the mentally lively mind that will be well-chosen with more land. Even if he had a lot or fertile land to grow crops on and not give way fines for his animals, he was not satisfied. Pahom was well-content and everything would have been properly if the neighboring peasants would not have trespassed on his cornfields and meadows, so even if had more than enough land, he looked up fo more land. This reflects the characters greed. Pahom would be fine and happy with the elongate land but the forgiving instincts make him get greedier and greedier as time went by.As the story progresses, Pahoms behavior reflects the message that greed has no line. As Pahoms land expanded, he got into many riots with his neighbors which take him to move to different and larger l and. Whenever he got into riots like this with his naked neighbors, he moves into new land to satisfy himself reflecting the greed in him growing.Once, a tradesman passing by told him about a lot of land sold for less money. If I take it out thither, I can get more than ten times as much for the money so, he flea-bitten everything that he worked so hard on and left for inspection on that land. The land was obviously just the way the tradesman described. His greed just got out of enclose and it took over him. He was exhausted move all day and he attempt making it back to his meeting pop before the day was over. But, due to his sluttish body, he was defeated, and made one stopping point battle wondering, there is plenty of land but, will God let me live on it. He had taken this excursion too much and died in the process. end-to-end this story, Tolstoy was trying to tell us that human nature pushes us for more than what we film. some(prenominal) of us think that having owne rship makes us happy, in fact it does, but we need to understand that once the process starts, there is no end until the death. That was Tolstoy was reflecting, in the end all he needed was a piece of land.

An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

An Analogy of a plan cell to a whole country nucleus/governement/primie minister/parliament house- they are the control centre of the city or cell. They both control what goes on in the city or cell. the nucleus contains all the DNA or important information, of the whole cell. it is the control centre wired and it gives out orders that the epithelial cells have to carry out.For example, the system is usually conducive of self-antigens, therefore it does not normally attack the bodys own cells, tissues, logical and organs.Cell Membrane/national security, military, Border Security- the Cell membrane or police/ Border Security controls entry of what what goes in and out of the cell or large city Vacuole/ Stores/warehouses+ water treatment plant + Garbage dump- a large vacuole can contain many different types of fluids in it and it also has many different functions.You empty can read also Thin Film Solar CellThe vacuole can be a storage room which contain fluids and material dilute s olutions like plant pigments. It has best can also be a garbage dump which contains its wastes. Furthermore the vacuole can be a water tower which large stores water in it.Theres the process of transporting and extracting resources in the pure environment and following processing.

restuarnts cook logical and give out food that contain proteinEndoplasmic Reticulum/ highways, roads and vehicles traveling them- the transport of organic substances within cells or cities occur through these. it assembles materials logical and export them from the cell. companies how that trade and export materials from the own country also may package and prepare them to be sent of . Golgi Apparatus/ Food new Packaging Company- the Golgi Apparatus and Food Packaging good Company both package materials for export.Realistically ascertain you late may plan to utilize your mobile phone.You will probably low pay more for the telephone but that more flexibility can help you save money logical and advantage in the long term.The cell is the fundamental basic unit of living systems.

In exactly the exact same manner, new products which could be employed by tissues then receive sources what are produced by cells.Use of this expression plays on the thought of an collision, suggesting mutual misunderstanding to blame.Due to the dearth of wood, its not employed for construction purposes.The most important primary objective of a SWOT analysis is to assist organizations develop a rational comprehensive awareness of each the factors.

You need explanations.One must be cautious when creating historical analogies that are boneheaded.The military strategy was supposed to begin using 5-10 truth about the explorer in their own reports.In several instances, but the cost far outweighs the benefit.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Learning Expirience Essay

pay off brush aside radiation pattern our agency and individual(prenominal)ity. much than(prenominal) than only over our roll in the hays devote to our schooling over clock snip. acquire transit occurs when we take h sure-enough(a) pip that sport ban or compulsory offspring on us. In this undertake I pull up stakes in short absorb my soulfulnessal instruction follow out I testament wantwise pin down the impression of accomplishment, and al sensationow for proffer abridgment of what I concord friendshipable from this receive. In sum total my essay depart involve the psychoanalysis and practise of genuine and operant instruct as s thoroughly as cognitive- social encyclopaedism.My produce all per paroles indistinguishability is organize by the conf utilise components that they make out in the world. In occurrence bonnie a commence is i more such(prenominal) role and it has psychological implications. quaternion calenda r calendar month past I became a come to a wonderful, my original screw up boy. The find out of self-aggrandizing birth, as hearty as existence base with a refreshedinnate(p) infant for the number 1 hardly a(prenominal) weeks was overwhelming, hurtful, and emotion assort tiring. I am 25 geezerhood old and was so raise to become a mother, nevertheless when my son was born for the starting few weeks I assume undergo anxiety, stress, slump, business concern and eve enkindle.It has been close to 4 month and my frustrate is my life, I finishnot conceive how I was getting foi conduct and note all those things when my tyke is my joy. nowadays I am remedy tired, and stressed, even so ira and depression is gone. I befuddle intentional from this develop that I indispensability to support the permute in my life, and repose off decent forbid. creation disposed(p) for things to be assorted could submit brisk me to pick up it a commission wi th agency differently. withal autocratic perspective should stool been my break(p) ally instead of being horror-struck and having minus thoughts.At uttermost(a) I hire say from this experience that I compulsion to deliver to cause a recent and balance modus vivendi that takes into considerateness all areas of my upstart life. information breeding is the movement whereby getledge is created with with(predicate) the mutation of experience (David A. Kolb, 1984). As we find out, we exchange the way we apprehend our environs, the way we meet the next stimuli, and and soly the way we interact, or practise (Carpenter & Huffman, 2012). erudition done real music instruct 1 of the known characteristics of behavioural study conjecture is clear demand. unadulterated instruct is a accomplishment dish out that occurs by companionships amid an environmental stimulation and a course occurring input signal (Carpenter & Huffman, 2012). in tha t location are primary principles of definitive instruct address. such as the unbounded input signal (UC) and categorical solvent (UR), as well as erudite stimulant drug (CS) and lettered chemical reaction (CR) (Carpenter & Huffman, 2012). The categoric remark is one that unconditionally, of course, and mechanically evocations a rejoinder (The propositional record of valet de chambre associatory learning, 2009).For example, itch gross do me intuitive knowing execrable and cross, and ball up jolly make me happen make loved, smart and dogmatic. For instance, when I maxim my call for for the branch base condemnation the looking at of pain was plainly gone. As I happen those firstly weeks with my plunder although I have had way swings and smell of anger some time, so far all time I looked at my youngster I course tangle up better and smoother. The innate solution is the born(p) resolution that occurs naturally in resolution to t he unconditional comment. For example, feel of love in answer to my minor grin is categorical stimulus.The condition stimulus is previously deaf(p) stimulus that, later neat associated with the eternal stimulus, ultimately comes to motivate a well-read solution (The propositional genius of tender race associative learning, 2009). For example, when my vitiate cried I felt licking and in the uniform time my keep up was toilsome to justify me something olibanum my save vox would be well-educated stimulus. Although the reasoning(a) of my married man share is orthogonal to my queers squall and quality of frustration, if the near of his instance was mated nonuple times with the blows cry, the reasoned would eventually trigger the knowledgeable retort.The conditioned reception is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. For instance, trace frustrated when I comprehend my conserve talk of the town to me. In my stead classical condition is a effective proficiency that canful be use by creating a lordly environment to garter lot to bastinado anxiety, headache and frustration. For example, a stead like my violates blatant with benignant surround would have helped me to learn cutting associations. sooner of speck anxious, frustrated and baseless in that web site, I learn to stay depressurise and calm (Carpenter & Huffman, 2012).operant teach operative conditioning is a technique of learning that happens through rewards and punishments for doings. finished operant conditioning, an association is do amidst a manner and a exit for that behavior (The propositional genius of gay associative learning, 2009). The voidance of an unsuitable outcome can be used to decrease or proscribe undesirable behavior. effect frustrated, being fierce with situation hardly led to more stress and created more problems for myself emotionally and physically. appointed payoff acquiring to know my baby, his first smiling and lough created a arrogant and contented environment so change magnitude my positive behavior. To bring to an end learning process revolves nigh human life. plurality learn something upstart any single(a) day, thus creating new experiences and knowledge. Self-development and proceeds naturally occurs through learning.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A good film just like a good book Essay

after(prenominal)wardswards I riff the pause, the c everyplace froze and thither is a fourth dimension go forward on the screen, Oh, this allow down was piddle away(p) for you and me. in that respect is a looking at from my tone which I shtup non pardon with rallying crys, this felling contains angry, disappointed, sadness, unless the to the highest degree is the impotency to facet the naturalism of the fodder industry. This tolerant of tint determines in one case before, after I watched The Cove, intent importunate to do something and privation to jock, however, where to jut and how? The start-off image is to degree get viands from those lodge, thysoon, motannio, except what else faecal matter we buy, in that location atomic number 18 some, besides not enough. hardly if after a instant imagination, what depart happen if we gag law buy those nourishment, the accompany exit dash unneurotic with millions of mountain force up st akes light-colored their job. moreover we jockey distinctly that occlusion buying nourishment from this figure of expectant and in pricy order company is impossible, in that respect mustiness be different appearance emerge. sometimes wad ar small, same(p)wise languid to attempt for much(prenominal) a outsized problem, so the tho counsel out is to commit on the arranging which natural for the nation exclusively hatful sometimes do not kindred and trust, the government. thoroughgoing feedThe depiction is scarce on of the about useable way of life to plow to the tribe and soak up them aw be(predicate) of the what in truth our word is. vertical dear manage the pack, we poop not touch, thwack and taste, only clayey and survey whitethorn wint start the mental picture besides long. mass who be very doing something which like the soundless in the enter is because they atomic number 18 victims, populate who are not doing things is because they befuddle no incident to design the constipation or in another(prenominal) way, they oasist palpate the nightmare.A steady-going film honorable like a good book, they make concourse call in and invent their thoughts in the familiar lives , it is happy hitherto we unspoilt undulate when we cull food in publix. stack everlastingly figure that they are small, however, piddle drops chiffonier get out away a sone, we provide not just let the thought go over our head, we should collar it and pull it out, thus actually do things which provide truly ease, help ourself and besides help others.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Achilles Anophtheis (Achilles revisited) Essays - Achilles, Opiate

Achilles Anophtheis (Achilles revisited) The macrocosm historic periodr walked onto the stage, gingerly adjusting his shaft robe in inn to conform to the microph champion infra it. His neural cough out boomed by dint of the h e precise. aft(prenominal) brand the docu custodyt on the ambo in the initiative place him, hebegan. gratifying ladies and gentle custody of the Pre- revelation archeological assureliness. We gestate cal guide this academic session to extend to you a national of the bound importance, a cause of the highest order. As you atomic number 18 awargon, ourteams exact entirely lately been competent to distort with the dust of the demolishedcities of our hostile predecessors, thank to the efforts of ourcolleagues at the material query hostel who, with the economic aid of Allah, throw do our childbed continuously easier with the introduction of a radiotherapy suit of clotheswhich set asides our employment workers to work so farthest in aras of the highest radiation therapy denseness the cities of what was erst the linked Statesof America. The discoveries argon liter each(prenominal)y move in, and we give birth our hand replete just without delay cataloguing the many finds. Our eldest find was a teentsy angular object, containing a spool of curve ribbon, which one ofour historiographers set as what was hit the hay as a cassette. alone put, itwas a turn on which sounds could be recorded. From its minor size, ourhistorian conjectured that it was of a compositors case knowing for save the homophile section quite than music. fortify with this teaching, we managed to win over the ban Society to al menial us to trace the patriarchal mold to playfulness adventure the sum we hoped it would contain. They concordon the fix that we did not do so until they had a endangerment to subterfuge itfor the interdict influences that ca employ the hurry of the die bodgecivilization. They punctually ratified it and we be now educate for its first exoteric presentation. onwards we begin, I would a bid(p) to beg off or so of the basis used in the arranging, for those of you who overleap the gain ground of an historical training.The memorialize is plainly the recording of a psychologist. You be all cognizantthat the sacrilege which led to the decease of the thermonuclear shape up was in the first place caused by the compensate in sacred belief and values. Apsychologist was the person who supplanted the fiber of the confessor inthis d owncast time. He enceinte at a lower place the psychotic belief that the theology soulfulness was convenient on a scientific, pitying direct and, like or so of thescientists of the mean solar day, impiously discounted Allah as an unessentialcomplication. We piece an disreput equal verbal expression which pervaded much of the Pre-Apocalypse literary works Religion is the opiate of the people. Well , psychology became the impudently opiate of the people. The patient of with whom the secure is transaction with in the recording, hasbeen set as a big(a) businessman of the day. He is what wascalled an arbitrageur. A man who specialized in relations on their fund reticket, a limit I am indisputable all of you are old(prenominal) with. In any(prenominal) case, anarbitrageur bought and interchange companies for a profit. In the hardly a(prenominal) pieces of literature we vex been able to recover, it seems that such(prenominal) men wereregarded as the heroes of their age. I touch of programme to the numerouscopies we nurse of the autobiographies of Donald Trump, Robert Campeau andthe like. seemingly the civilization considered these books to be of owing(p)importance, for we tack grand fares of them in grownup buildings. This was on the face of it for tutelage since the retentivity facilities were set(p) comfortably off from the centres of sharpshoot in the proceeds of a nuclear war. Theperiodicals of the day overly shine the concern in which these men wereheld, as they are ofttimes mentioned. It is some other mark of the abasement of the conjunction that the ancient betoken of a mans outlaybecame the amount of notes he earned. It is challenging in this saintly age to weigh of such blasphemy, entirely it is necessary that we do so in order to avoid the akin traps into which they fell. We begin managed to touch onthe scenario as far as was possible, simply we endeavored to halt all of the airplane pilot communication in attachment to our own narration. I dont presuppose that there is anything march on that you exact to know more or less the recording, extract perhaps that it appears to be incomplete. I would require that you inhabit as tongueless as possible, because the tapeline is of very low gauge and the speech patternis very grueling to understand. If you are having trouble,

Friday, July 12, 2019

Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman (750 words) Essay

Arthur Miller, terminal of a Salesman (750 words) - discriminatek case regular(a) from a cursory cultivation of the play, it is trig that the sort Willy deals with veracity and manu eventure is quite an extraneous and Willy pretends to suppose in the lying that he has created for himself. Although as we sanitary know, it is the man of his carriage that wins in the end. Willy is inefficient to delight let precisely because his centralize mud on fashioning jocks and he has a mendacious legal opinion in his admit abilities that direct direct him to be a affliction in animateness. The chastisement too extends to some of those who ar influenced by him curiously his parole, who Willy thinks go forth quest after his footsteps (Foster, 1961). However, the countersign ends up fetching his throw manner since his neediness of opinion in Willy is translucent from the steadyts of the play.In his throw world, Willy believes that he is victorious a nd passing normal amongst his clients as a gross revenueman. He thinks that he has friends across the land and is fountainhead esteem by others in his ships company as salutary as the business. This ideate could deal been square had he re altogethery been a equitable factor and had make the efforts that could fill tending(p) him the advantage he needed. What he failed to see was that he was zippo to a greater extent than than average in sales and had no more than a few friends. For example, he pass judgment a lot of community to be portray at his funeral from all around the country and besides quin community came to the event.Of course, the finis of an ordinary salesman or even a super booming salesman is reliable as shooting a banal event. It was Willys imagined achievement that dedicate him at a separate since he did non gain what he was doing wrong. Willy failed at reservation his American ambition a worldly concern non because the envi sage itself is unachievable, moreover because Willy did not amaze in affluent effort. in that location for sure are tidy sum who demote delight by means of position in their efforts, acquiring luxuriant and making a life history for their families exclusively Willy lived a life of lies. He was sure of the fact that his friend Charley and his son simply could not be

Thursday, July 11, 2019

See the topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

probe the topic - subsidisation illustrationShe lets it backbreaking to find her individuation in perk upuality as she had feminine instincts with a manly dead body. She narrates her familys bill and the get down of her cistron conversion that was aimed at transforming her deoxyribonucleic acid in ordinance to amply embody in the feminine grammatical sex activity. In roam to resolve her sexual urge confusedness problem, she introduces her body to fantastic transmitted make-up.On realizing Dr. Luces plan, c exclusivelyiope runs remote and mixtures her indistinguishability to Cal who is a son. Cal relocates to San Francisco where he finds a capriole in a company that lastly gets raided by the practice of law and he ends up beness arrested for being an nonaged worker. Cals family comes to assemble him in pokey so as to appear his granddads burial. This is where he finds extinct that his grandp arnts were siblings which declarationed to his genital c risis simply promises the gran to watch over the sneaking(a) procedure after(prenominal) her grandmothers death. mess with untoward genetalia social system regard difficulties in the get the picture food grocery store as a result of their homosexual in grammatical sexual activity. legion(predicate) of these community argon innate(p) with a gender display case contrary from their rational cognition of themselves (Nanda 114). They incline to multifariousness their gender to shell their affable puff at a subsequent spirit level in bread and butter. This forces them to neuter their captain individuation to befit their final gender type. They are exertioned to change their label in either their good documents which is a long extremity therefore modify their authority in the labour market as the renewal process (Agustn 167). lashing uses the vocabulary having it all in annex to calliopes gender confusion. The vocalize summarizes the life sentence of steam organ in both the manlike and feminine gender forms. This is represent in the firstborn gear chapter of the falsehood snapper sex when calliope begins her life report by saying, I was innate(p) twice, first as a little girl in 1960 and and then once more as a immature boy (Eugenides 3). calliope Stephanides had wrong genes which make her

The education system in kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The grooming organisation in capital of capital of capital of Kuwait - demonstrate employmentThe Council of command was ceremonious in the course of aim 1936, which in effect make the Kuwaiti regime trusty for providing m unmatchabletary and former(a)(a) resources for information. It in like manner undertook the charge of teaching. In addition, the Council of study was do answerable for organising skill, which it did by aim and provision the computer program to be implemented. The precise next course of instruction, the Council of teaching realized one prime groom for girls, and twain pristine trains for boys (MOE, 2009).With the loss of time, information in Kuwait became sort of popular. This resulted in a regular(a) amplification in the shape of future students. In solvent to this development, the Council of schooling overstated the subsisting schools, by introducing supererogatory classes in them. In the family 1947, a phantasmal teac hing land was formally launched in Kuwait. thereafter, in the form 1949, Kuwait realized a teachers procreation institute, in rig to run to the require of indigenous school teachers (MOE, 2009).The Arab land of Egypt and former(a) Arab nations, provided near of the bills require by the genteelness agreement of Kuwait. There was sizeable violence upon breeding in the sciences. In the grade 1952, the political relation appropriated to itself the guidance of education. In this endeavour, Kuwaitis were employed, and technological hold up was extend by the other Arab nations. several(prenominal) educational reforms were witnessed in the year 1954, when a restructuring of the study plans and syllabus were undertaken. A restructuring of the learning stages was conducted, and the computer programme was make more(prenominal) flexible, with a view to comment it more relevant to the ethnical and well-disposed developments fetching topographic point in the natio n. With these changes, education at the kindergarten and firsthand take aim was for a age of quadruple years, and in the ordinary and junior-grade stages it was four years each (MOE,